Curbed Estate

Catie Connolly, Nomka Enkhee, Margaret Griffin, Jacqueline Poisot

Milwaukee Institute of Art & Design, 2023

Bed Frames, Foam, Steel Cording

118.85” x 63.75” x 60.75”

Statement From The Artists:

The connection humans have to nature is intricate and essential. Nature calms us while simultaneously healing us—we seek nature to rest. Consequently, we aim to recreate this rest every night, laying in our beds.

Curbed Estate is rooted in the belief that nature and rest are reserved for everyone, yet they are not accessible to everyone. Today our relationship with nature has become fractured; we are surrounded by man-made infrastructure, where we struggle to obtain rest.

Our piece explores the inaccessibility we have created between ourselves and the natural world. In seeing Curbed Estate, we ask the audience to ignite conversation within the individual. Through highlighting inaccessibility, we call forth the community of Milwaukee to reach for the opposite: to access rest, to connect with others, and to reach for nature.

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